Grow Energy start with production of 2 more UPAC

Grow Energy concluded today, through its investment vehicle G2ER Solar One Portugal, SA, the installation of another 2 UPAC.

These Photovoltaic Plants were installed in two factories of the Valco Group, in Leiria, reaching a total installed capacity of 1.5MW. With an annual production capacity of more than 2.1GWh, equivalent to the consumption of around 600 Portuguese families, this project makes it possible to avoid the annual emission of 661 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

As Rui Oliveira, CEO of the Valco Group, points out, “this project represents the serious commitment that our companies have with sustainability, as we operate in the entire forest sector, from the production of raw materials to the sale of the finished product, for its transformation to a wide variety of uses.

G2ER Solar One Portugal currently has 4 Photovoltaic Plants in operation, making a total of 2.7 MWp.